Adore Yourself!

Buckle up mommies
3 min readMay 3, 2021


Being a first-time mother is driven with tremendous emotions; amusing, confusing, exasperating, anxious, seldom annoying. Its an experience of whirlwind of emotions as you get to know your baby and start to get a handle on your new life as a family. But taking time out for yourself, and rejuvenating yourself by a little treat, even if its just a hot bath for five minutes or a cup of tea on your own; will boost you the energy and resources to enjoy your first-time motherhood.

Rest when your baby sleeps and encourage your body to heal, breastfed and feel confident in your new role as a MOM. I had always been advised from other moms and helpful relatives, but it’s better to listen to your natural instinct. Don’t get bullied into doing something you are not comfortable with. There is no “right way “of doing things. Don’t be panic if your baby is unable to breastfeed in first few hours, just give him/her opportunity to do so slowly and steady. You will soon be accustomed to feed your baby in few days without any assistance. Just feel the relaxed cuddles, shiny eyes, tiny hands of your precious little one.

Take some time off, regular walks in fresh air will lift your mood and help you regain fitness. Share your responsibilities, it will be hard to relinquish control, especially when you have established a gentle routine with your baby but give chance to dad to develop his parenting skills and enjoy the opportunity to bond, set up his own routines, and figure out the best way to meet your baby’s needs. There is no harm in providing occasional expressed milk to your baby. This may be tricky in first few weeks when your milk supply is still being established, but once you are able to express, it will get easier. Take these opportunities to do something for yourself. Try not to feel “mother guilt” and enjoy your time in reading books, designing or painting if you are fond of it, catching up with your friends, warm bubble bath or even enjoying an uninterrupted cup of tea or coffee. It can make a huge difference in uplifting your mood, reducing pain and boost up your energy levels. You would love spending time with friends particularly if they have babies of the same age. This can be reassuring and rewarding, and renew your sense of fun.

Although you may not feel like exercising for at least a few weeks after the birth, some gentle stretching can help to encourage healing. After few months you can even include your baby in your exercise sessions, it might be a playtime for him/her and you’ll get a light workout too! A new baby will bring joy to your family, no matter its size. Take time to relax and enjoy family time. Create and cherish memories with your baby, never leave a chance to click pictures, record videos of her tiny movements, her adorable smile. And also, make time for your relationship with your partner and create regular opportunities to sort out issues as they arise, rather than bottling up resentment. So buckle up mommies energize yourself for a wonderful journey of motherhood , but don’t leave “you” aside ,even moms need a little PAMPER TREAT!!



Buckle up mommies

From the moment your baby is placed in your arms,your life change for ever. Welcome to motherhood ,Dr.Ankita Gupta (Orthodontist) Mom of one