Our Unconditional love

Buckle up mommies
1 min readMay 29, 2021

Still remember, when you were in a womb,

I was excited to buy you perfect first costume.

Anxiously waiting for monthly ultrasounds,

Sometimes get lucky to get a glimpse of your thumb in mouth.

Inestimable experience of your tiny movements inside,

Kicking and wiggling, as a response to my voice.

I wanted to capture them as a memory in a reel,

As our little secret that only I can feel…

That incredible moment, when I hold you for first time,

Truly they say, it was love at first site.

You are my precious, pure than gold,

With little toes to play with, and tiny hands to hold.

After came along, long sleepless nights,

Colic crying and amateur bites.

Your dad too, was always on the foot,

From rocking you to sleep- to -cleaning your poop

But your just one look melts our heart,

Realizing us, overcoming this, is not so hard.

Your adorable smile and early morning cuddles,

Will create memories with every cute unreasoned giggle.

There will be days, when you will be grown,

Time will fly and it cannot be post- poned

So,dont be afraid ,let us love you little more,

Before you are not,our, little anymore!



Buckle up mommies

From the moment your baby is placed in your arms,your life change for ever. Welcome to motherhood ,Dr.Ankita Gupta (Orthodontist) Mom of one